
Why rhinoplasty?

The term "rhinoplasty" refers to the modification of the morphology of the nose, with the aim of improving aesthetics and sometimes function (correction of possible nasal breathing problems).

The aim of the procedure is to reshape the nose to make it more attractive. The aim is to specifically correct existing disfigurements, whether congenital, caused by trauma or due to the aging process.

The aim is to achieve a natural-looking nose that harmonizes with the rest of the face, suits the patient's psychology and personality, and meets the patient's requirements.

The principle is to use incisions concealed in the nostrils to reshape the bone and cartilage that form the nose's solid infrastructure and give it its distinctive shape. The elasticity of the skin covering the nose will have to adapt to this modified osteo-cartilaginous framework. This last point underlines the importance of skin quality in achieving the final result. As a result, rhinoplasty usually leaves little or no visible scarring on the skin.

When nasal obstruction hinders breathing, it can be treated in the same operation, whether due to a deviated septum or enlarged turbinates (bony formations in the nasal cavity).

The procedure, which can be performed on both men and women, can be carried out as early as the end of growth, i.e. from the age of around 16.

Duration of treatment

Between 1h30 and 2h30

Resuming physical activities

15 days

Treatment costs

On request

Make an appointment

Treatment sequence

During our first meeting, we'll analyze your objectives and expectations together.

During this consultation, we will compile your medical file and define the intervention methods required to meet your needs.

We will also take care to inform you of any limitations that may arise depending on your medical history and said treatments. We'll also look at pre- and post-operative issues, to pass on our recommendations and inform you of what to do in the event of complications.

All important information will be conveyed to you verbally and in writing. This will give you the opportunity to clarify any areas of uncertainty before making your decision.

This appointment may be an opportunity to have the treatment done on the same day, or to plan a later date if your choice is made. In the case of surgery, we will inform you of the anaesthetic arrangements.

Some decisions take time, and it's quite possible to leave with a personalized quote, including a treatment and financing plan. We'll also be happy to answer any questions you may have.

During cosmetic surgery, you may need to be anesthetized more or less deeply, depending on the type of procedure and your medical history. Anesthesia is chosen in consultation with you and your surgeon. A pre-anaesthetic visit is sometimes necessary. For all anaesthesia procedures, it is recommended to fast, i.e. not to eat for 6 hours before the operation. The anaesthetist can refuse a patient who has not followed this instruction. Communication and trust are key from the very first contact with your surgeon, because it's by working together that risks can be neutralized.

General anaesthesia
In general anaesthesia, the patient is completely unconscious, asleep and insensitive to pain. the anesthetist meticulously controls and monitors breathing.

For longer procedures, we prefer this type of anesthesia, as it provides a higher level of comfort.

Sedation anaesthesia
Sedation provides deep anaesthesia while leaving the person conscious to verbal and tactile stimuli. The patient can relax without worrying about pain. This method avoids the need for intubation and the side effects of general anesthesia.

Locoregional anesthesia
Locoregional anesthesia refers to the numbing or loss of sensation in a specific area of the body using local anesthetics. The patient remains conscious during the procedure, but feels no pain in the anaesthetized area.

It's normal for your body to react to aesthetic treatments. Some symptoms are common and by no means alarming. Symptoms that could lead to more serious complications are rare, and should they occur, our team will be on hand to take care of you.

If you notice these symptoms, there's no need to worry:

  • A slight rise in temperature
  • Slight discharge of blood from dressings
  • A slight increase in inflammation

On the other hand, if you observe these symptoms, please contact us:

  • Over 38.5° fever and chills
  • Severe swelling, especially on one side only
  • Significant pain and redness in the operated area
  • Keep in mind that your recovery period will depend on the type of operation and factors specific to you.

We are all unique, so the details of your recovery cannot be entirely predictable. You're beginning a process of physical and emotional transformation. Be patient and let your body do what it does best. If you have any doubts, we're here for you.

Frequently asked questions

Contrary to popular belief, rhinoplasty is a painless operation. During the healing period, the nose is protected by a splint that prevents any external contact, and pain relief treatments are highly effective.

Open rhinoplasty is frequently proposed by the surgeon, as it enables the entire nose to be shaped, particularly the tip. A small zig-zag scar is therefore created at the narrowest point of the nasal columella. The sutures, which are extremely thin, absorb spontaneously one to two weeks after the procedure.

In rare cases, on certain skin types, a small mark will remain, but in the vast majority of cases, this open rhinoplasty scar is almost invisible and fades completely over time. An anti-sun healing cream will be prescribed after the procedure.

Breathable silicone wicks are only required for correction of the functional part of the nose.

Open rhinoplasty has been the standard technique used worldwide since the 1990s. This requires a 3 mm micro-scar at the columella (the area of skin separating the two nostrils). It can be used to correct difficult nasal tips or noses that have already been operated on.

In recent years, closed rhinoplasty has undergone major improvements. This is the technique currently used if there are no major defects of the nasal tip and if the width of the nasal bridge is satisfactory.

For the operation to be a success, it's very important that the surgeon knows exactly what the patient expects in terms of nose shape. Thanks to special software, a simulation can be carried out with the patient to determine the desired size and shape. This simulation is accurate, but not totally perfect or contractual.